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50% Reduction in Container Freight Cost

For a large manufacturer of CNC machines 

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About Client: Tier 1 to large German manufacturer of CNC controlled lathe and milling machine


Project: Export of stamped and coated metal parts to Italy and Japan


Challenges: Traditional packaging method for high value and visual parts involve having carpenter at site to fabricate boxes. This resulted in lead time of 5-7 days for packing before material could be shipped out. Inefficient packaging size would invariably result in low volume utilisation of container space.



Solution: Post analysis of wastage in existing packaging arrangement, we identified that the biggest area of hidden waste was inefficient container utilization. We used material neutral approach to build packaging solution using a combination of wood, corrugation and foam on a standardized footprint that allows full utilization of container space. The packaging could be delivered in ready to ship condition making it easier to complete pack out within hours of production. 



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